Feature Requests
Code updates:
> Periodic boundary conditions are now functional for the Boussinesq model. Use with care however. Strictly speaking, the wave frequencies and directions in the waves.txt file should be chosen such that an integer number of waves "fit" along the offshore boundary. This is not checked. If you do not have this condition met, the periodic conditions will still work, but the model will artificifically lead to more short-crestedness, as wave crests leaving one boundary with not align with crests along the other boundary.
> The model and rendering can now handle different dx and dy values. There are no model limits as to the ratio of these grid sizes. A primary recommendation would be, if surf-zone generated vorticity is of particular interest, do not use a ratio of > ~2 (or less than ~0.5), as this will tend to inhibit the generation of rotational flow. The time step of the model is based on the smaller of dx and dy.
> Minor fixes in the shoreline runup model